Monday, July 28, 2014

Week 23 - July 28, 2014 - this week was weird

It was also fun and exciting and enjoyable and lots of great things happened, but it was also very weird. I´ve learned a lot about how the mission program is organized and I´ve been really impressed by how smoothly oiled everything is from Salt Lake to Cacahoatan, and I know the whole thing is run by somebody who knows exactly what it's doing. 

The attached photo was a really amusing lesson. We taught some kids the Restauration playing with clay and some pens while sitting on the floor. Missionary work should never get tedious because there´s always something new to try :)

That's about it for this week, I can't remember having eaten any weird food or anything, so just know that the Church is true and it's head is our Lord and Savior. 

Love you all, y vayan por la sombrita (stay in the shade),
Hermana Juliana