Monday, November 3, 2014

Week 37 - November 3, 2014 - Halloween

On Saturday the 1st, Day of the Dead, which is the day kids dress up to trick or treat instead of the 31st, the neighborhood was full of kids dressed up as just about everything, with their parents, some dressed up and some not.
One of my favorite things about the week was this:
A car passed by an a little grinning sparkly pumpkin popped her head out of the window and shouted at us, I like your costumes! We laughed and laughed at that one - and said it's a good thing we put in effort putting on our costumes this morning.
We ran into them again coming back up the same street, now out of the car. It turns out that the family is LDS and the little pumpkin told us again that she liked our costumes. We asked her if she was going to wear the same costume when she was big, and she said yes. She also told us very proudly that her mouth was painted. (she was very excited to have makeup on.. I think she was probably 5). I have to say, this is my favorite costume I've ever worn.
I know now a little bit more about where I am. It's a set of three or four neighborhoods, and while it's not QUITE as green as where I was, we have a river with GIANT trees that we cross whenever we go to San Jose Terán. We share the ward with another set of missionaries, Elders, and our bishop is also the mission doctor. The members spoil us - yesterday we ate brownies with vanilla icecream after enchiladas with mole and quesadillas.
Remember who you are - a child of the being who created EVERYTHING. You have unlimited potential, and you have all the tools you need to do everything He asks of you. When we do that, He has promised us innumerable blessings.
Hermana Juliana