Monday, August 18, 2014

Week 26 - August 18, 2014 - So the world is small and time goes fast

I just discovered that my companion's parents have found and are reading the blog that these emails end up on, so internet hello to Phillip and Laurel Peine! Your daughter is lovely. :)
Here's the time goes fast part: this week, I hit the one third of my mission mark. I know, it's kind of crazy but who am I to tell the clocks to stop. (I've tried - it doesn't work very well, and if only mine stops, then what would I do? Be late to all appointments, that's what - and that's just not an option). ANYWAY. This week was fantastic, we got to see lots of miracles.
One of which, a man named Hugo who when we arrived to his house said, nope, not anymore and walked out the door (this after he had arrived to church with his wife without us having invited them). We stayed to talk with his wife anyway, and throughout the course of the lesson, his elbow started to be visible by the door, then he was standing in the doorway, and then he came to sit down and listen. I am so grateful for the changes the Spirit can make in a person, and grateful that I get to see it happen, every day.

My poor companion got the same welcome by bugs as I did and spent a couple of days getting to know some of the ward members while I worked with Cinthia. She's back to normal ankle size now though, and we're workin' away. It's really been amazing, what we've seen happen this week.
In the 'cool things we get to see in Mexico' front, we went to the border with Guatemala this week. It's fifteen minutes away, and so we went to take a picture. (For your viewing enjoyment, see attached)

Have a wonderful week, and look for the little things.
Hermana Juliana