Monday, April 7, 2014

Week 7 - April 7, 2014

I couldn't think of any clever titles to put on here. But CONGRAGULATIONS to Isabel, that's way awesome,  and happy almost anniversary parentals. I notice there was not much about Ben, aside from training, so I assume he's all in one piece. Tell him to email me though, but don't tell him it's because I miss him or anything.

First, a little neener-neener that I can't help (mostly directed at mom)... The fish tacos I had today were better than your fish tacos :) Although, basically everything can be considered tacos here because we eat with corn tortiallas (is that the definition of a taco? not sure) but we had fish and it was WAY GOOD. The sister who fed us today knows how to cook a ton of delicious things, and is teaching me names of vegetables that I've never even seen before. I'm asking about how to make things, but I'm going to start taking down recipes. (Unfortunately though, I don't have any experiences that I can relate directly to Percy Jackson... so mom wins there)

Second, please forward this to Gramps: I love you! I'm good, big good, and I miss you lots. We use sweetened condensed milk as a condiment, and it always makes me think of you and making carmels.

This week, we came late to email so this isn't very long. But there's a reason it's so green here: TONS of rain :) We've gotten caught in it a couple of times, and I've started carrrying around my rain coat. It's come in handy, even though there have been a couple of occasions when I didn't have it. They were quite entertaining.

I know you couldn't watch all of the sessions, but listen to them or read them. They were really good.

So I'm going to answer your questions here so you and mom can share your various information. I'm attempting to attach a picture of our living zone, and what we do on P-day, from last week, my companion and the other two sisters sleeping on the floor (just kidding, we do more than sleep, was going to be the caption). However, I don't think that it's going to work.So far I haven't gone anywhere, but we have a family that has offered to take us to the beach, and another that's offered to take us to Union Juarez, which is a tourist destination up the volcano further into the jungle.

The other companionship does live with us. They are going to move out soon though, they have had a house for a while, but they don't have furniture because they haven't received extra money from the mission to buy it.

This week, getting soaked through made me smile. We went to contact a reference from Mario, who is going to be baptized in two weeks, and got caught in the rain with his ten year old son. Everyone who saw us afterward scolded us for not carrying an umbrella or a change of blouse, "don't we know that the rains are starting?" It was really fun. Next week I'll send a picture of us all soaking wet.

This week we taught 16 lessons - a lot of the people we were going to visit fell through. We're working on that. I personally talk about a third of the time in the lesson - but I'm trying to participate more, and one of my goals is to use a scripture from the Book of Mormon in every lesson.

Love you lots, take care of that knee, and take mom out for tacos for your anniversary. Thank you for always encouraging me to be obedient and work hard.

I love you all. I love my Savior, and I am so grateful for the opportunity He gives me to be better every day through His Atonement.

Hermana Juliana