Monday, March 24, 2014

Week 5 - March 24, 2014 - A very suburban white girl in Southern Mexico

Seems an appropriate title.

It's currently raining cats and dogs. the drops are HUGE and actually look like peices of ice. (and the computer is underlining everything I type in red. 

Things I'm thankful for this week: 
Vicks Vapor Rub. It's quite miraculous is preventing zancudos (really little bugs with a powerful bite) from eating my legs alive during the night.

Having a knowledge before getting here of where food (AKA chicken and beef) really come from, so that it wasn't terrifying when a family invited me to watch them kill a chicken. (we ate it the next day in mole)

Other things:
Because of the zancudos and my reaction to their bites, my ankles decided to take a change in career and become balloons! We went to the doctor (who is a counselor in the bishopric) and he sent me to rest because by that point they were really swollen and painful. BUT he said it happens to everyone who comes from the North and my body will get used to them. 

Food is great. Seriously, so good. I need to get recipes before I leave. They don't really use silverware (except for spoons for soup) - they're there, at the table, but there's also a giant pile of corn torillas. The tortillas are what they use to eat with. 

Dad- there's a ward here, and there are actually two sets of sister missionaries. I´m trying to remember everybody's names and where people live, but addresses aren't always the most exact things in the world. The ward has been so kind. I don't even know how to express adequately how welcoming they are. Even the people we contact who want nothing to do with us have been polite (so far. granted, I've only been here a week).

There have been ups and downs - perfectly understanding and speaking the colloquial spanish is still out of my grasp, but I'm grateful for the language abilities I have - this would be so much harder otherwise.

I feel like Mom won't think this is enough, I know you have more questions. I want to tell you everything about each investigator, all of the incredible experiences I've had, but I'll have to make do with only a few. My favorite perhaps was when an investigator named Max after our lesson with him decided that he wanted to accompany us to our next lesson. In that lesson, we showed the movie 'The Testaments of one fold and One Shepherd'(really good... watch it) and were then able to invite members who also came with us to share their testimonies of the Atonement and the Book of Mormon. The Spirit there was incredible. 

I love being a missionary. I'm doing my best to enjoy even the bits that aren't so fun - they make good stories, and are only not fun in the moment. I love being able to delve into the scriptures every morning and share my testimony with everyone I meet. 

Hermana Juliana