Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 35 - October 20, 2014 - No Ants

Happy Monday!

The ants have not come back, for the most part. There are a few of the giant ones who are adventurous enough to come all the way in, but I stepped on one this morning so take that ants, they won't be back. (Either that or they'll come try to take revenge. I'm not sure which).

This is week 6 of my 5th transfer in Cacahoatan. In normal person time, that's 7.5 months in this beautiful place. I won't know until next week if they're going to let me stay. I think that life would be so much easier if we didn't love people and put down roots - then we would be able to just pick up and go without having to hurt. But life wouldn't be nearly as rich. With an eternal perspective, goodbyes don't hurt so much. 

But I get ahead of myself. This week I am in Cacahoatan still and we have a ton to do. Our friend Ana is getting baptized on Saturday, and we have a full planner ahead of us. We ran into lots of people this week who haven't been to church in years (yes Mom, we apologized), and taught a couple of them as well. We were sad Saturday night because one of them had told us that she wouldn't be in Cacahoatan the next day and wouldn't be able to come to church. But then she walked in on Sunday morning!! A little bit late, but it was absolutely the best feeling. That's why we put down roots, so we can shout for joy when good things happen in our friends lives.

Funny story of the week: a 3 years old boy who's mom we are teaching had a race car onsey that he wanted to put on. He came out with the arms on inside out, mom corrected it and sent him back to go put it on correctly. He was very creative - he got it backwards, inside out and upside down before finally being able to happily zip it all the way up. THEN, dressed, he proceeded to pull all of the the clothes out of the dresser. So we then we helped him look for the socks' friends and determining if each peice was his or his sister's. 

Oh, we also had exchanges this week. Hermana Zuñiga and I had a great time in Tapachula. It rained just enough for the city to not be a furnace, we saw day old puppies, ate with a sister who collects frog figurines, and had several awesome lessons. 

Life is lovely, the church is true, and I love being a missionary. Don't forget to read your scriptures :) 

Hermana Juliana

The picture: Turns out talking on the phone and carrying eggs is fine, until you try to walk through the door :( We decided it was like the middle school physics experiments, and all but one egg failed.