Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 16 - June 9, 2014

This week was stake conference! Yesterday, to be exact. The ward contracted two big vans to take us to the stake center in Tapachula, and it was fun being a missionary in stake conference because I actually recognized the mission president. It was also awesome because there had to be two sessions of stake conference - not all of the wards fit into one session! This stake is growing like crazy, it's fantastic to be a part of it. 

It's been a fun week. As part of our area, we have a touristy city called Union Juarez. That's where we are in the photo - it's up the side of the volcano more, and when it rains up there, it's COLD. This picture was taken after it rained, but the hill you can't see to the left was running with muddy water when we were walking up it. It was pretty funny. 

Cinthia isn't sure that she's going to be here on June 28th, which is the day that she picked out for her baptism. Hopefully she'll not postpone it more - she has a testimony of the gospel, she shares it with other investigators when she comes to lessons with us, and she introduces us to her friends and family, and invites them to church. 

We're teaching a family right now with eight kids. We (think) we finally met the last one this week - every time we go there's a different set of people in the house. One of the daughters has come to church once. 

I'm sure I'll think of a bunch of stories I could have shared in just a minute once I send this, but just now I'm drawing a blank. So, I'll say good bye for now. I love what I'm doing. As missionaries, we're just a bunch of kids. But we have a sacred calling to share with the world what we know is true - Christ lives, He directs His Church, and He wants every one of us to come unto Him. 

Hermana Juliana