Monday, May 12, 2014

Week 12 - May 12, 2014

My companion is being transferred to Laureles, which is in my zone, so I'll get to see her on Wednesdays! Woot! 

It was great to talk to you yesterday. It felt totally normal. I think it's helped me a lot my previous living away from home experience. 

Dad, your comment about make good friends - I've been thinking about that all morning. When we found out Hermana Hernandez is being transferred, we kept hoping our district leader was going to call back and say he was mistaken. I really truly love my companion. I also got to thinking about all the friends I have on missions, my friends from Ecuador and the exchange students, my families there, friends from high school, friends from BYU, the friends I'm making here. I got all philosophical and started thinking about how grateful I am for the eternities to keep seeing these people, and how important it is to always remind them that they mean a lot to me. 

This week has been really special in that aspect - I've been able to feel that love and I never want it to go away. I don't know - I feel slightly emotionally drawn out but full of happiness at the same time - nostalgia is weird that way. 

Did I tell you about the ward conference already? We had 166 people come to the meeting - we usually have an attendance of just over 100 people, people kept coming in, and they couldn't find seats. It was really so awesome. There are so many people who are looking for the Gospel, we just need to find them. 

Love you! 

Hermana Juliana